Saturday, December 31, 2016

A New Year, A New Venture

New Year's Day brings many different emotions rushing to the surface, happiness, regret, anxiety, or excitement, just to name a few. For many of us it's the day to press the restart button in our lives. We get a "do over" for last year's goals, ambitions, parenting, friendships and relationships. We look forward to the possibilities of tomorrow.

For the last several years, I have not set any goals for my year. Let's face it, when you have two small children (mine are 7 and 3) your goal is to make it through the day with everyone clothed, fed and alive. From the moment you wake up, your day isn't yours really; your day belongs to the mouths to feed, the fights to break up, the meltdowns to circumnavigate because you gave your 3 year old the wrong color bowl for her cereal, the clothes to wash, the lunches to pack, the shoes to tie, the bums to wipe, the ungodly amounts of homework, the dinner to prepare, the dishes to clean, the baths, and the bedtime prayers. And, if you are lucky, you get a 30-45 minute window during nap time to shower and go to the bathroom without little spying eyes.

This year is different for me. I am beginning a new venture in my life that gives me a creative outlet and hopefully help other mothers, whether working moms or stay at home moms, get through the "everyday" life. This new blog will be mostly about cooking and eating healthy with your family but there will probably be other musings thrown in such as crafting, furniture building, and what's happening in our family. 

Cooking (and baking) has always been my place to decompress. I find joy in creating a meal and feeding people. Not everyone shares that passion, I get it. There are seasons in my life that I don't find joy in cooking, there are times I loathe it. Some days I don't have the energy or I don't have time to grocery shop so we eat scrambled eggs for dinner. That's OK. The most important thing is that our family sits down at the dinner table every night and enjoys each other's company without cellphones (luckily our kids are too little to have their own). I have been blessed with this family and I am learning to be content with the season I am in right now. BTW, I have been "blessed" with a very picky eater so I will also share with you some of our triumphs in getting her to eat something other than cake, candy or pancakes. 

I hope this blog will be a fun journey and your family can enjoy some of the healthy, delicious dishes that are to come. 

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